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Bnei Bnot mitzvah

Families from outside of Israel who want to celebrate their child's Bar or Bat Mitzvah
at Kehillat Mevakshei Derech may contact our Executive Director,
Hazzanit Iris Weiner.

The Bar and Bat Mitzvah Year at Kehillat Mevakshei Derech
The Bar and Bat Mitzvah year at our Kehillah is a special and exciting time. Students and their parents take part in a learning process and join in the Kehillah activities. The highlight, of course, is when the young person is called to the Torah. This occasion takes place on Shabbat morning (or at Mincha or on a weekday) at a meaningful and egalitarian service.

The Bar-Bat Mitvah Class
Twice a month families and students attend Shabbat services, after which we gather to learn about Jewish concepts, ideas, values and ethics. Our award winning program aims to encourage young people and their parents to share these ideas together.

During the year families are also encouraged to participate in the central cultural events of the Kehillah, i.e. our Independence Day Seder, in order to get to know the Kehillah, its members and its customs better. This is another way to learn about the cycle of the Jewish year.

Being Called to the Torah:
It is customary for Bar and Bat Mitzvah students to take on the following roles:
An aliyah l'torah and Torah reading.Reading the Haftarah, a selection from the Prophets.Preparing and delivering a d'var Torah, a lesson on the Torah portion.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah parents are also called to the Torah and family and friends are given honors so they, too, can participate. The family invites their guests, friends, family and the Kehillah members to a Kiddush after services.